
mercoledì 4 gennaio 2017

XXXI - Tutorial: Nurgle daemons

As you are seeing, I am working on a big (for my standard) group of Nurgle miniatures, daemons and "humans". Probably this is going to be Nurgluary, or something similar (probably Plaguary... well I am not so good in these things!).

However, once I made a tutorial about Nurgle daemons but it is floating somewhere in the Warp, so I decided to do another time it, with some variations: that post was one of the most read on the old blog, and painting Nurgle is damn fun, so here we go.

I have removed the downloadable tutorial, they did not convinced me at all and, frankly, quite useless imho. I left the grid with image, and the step by step are going to be in a classical way. Hope you enjoy it.

As always this is not going the perfect tutorial about Nurgle, but how I have interpreted that theme, hoping to be helpful. The mood that you have to reach to paint in the way described on this tutorial is "lack of precision, gain of fun".

First, I use Agrellan Earth and some textured paint (not the GW one, but you can use one of these) to add more nice details to the daemons. Flat and wide areas are perfect for Agrellan. I already based the miniature, you'll understand why when you'll see the basing.
Black primer.
First modification from the old tutorial: a zenithal white priming with airbrush, that it is going to be extremely useful for lights and shadows, making the same colour bright in lights (white primer), dull in shadows (black primer). Add it also on the base. If you want you can simply use black primer and than a hand of Ceramite white, or simply white primer.
With airbrush I added some old rotten flash, you can find the new name on the gw site. Clearly you can use brush. Remember to put it also on the base without caring a lot (leit motiv of this tutorial), better on the tops of the bases.
Second modification: I used some random wash of these colours. On the old tutorial were only green and black (if I remember well), now I added more colours to augment variations. You have to water down them till they are going to seem wash. I do not uses washes for this steps because they are too much clean: watered colours create spots and puddles. All the colours are put on the same times on the miniature, to make them blend ramdomly.
I used a very stupid and large brush, cleaning it on a paper towel sometimes.
Here some results, with different shadows. The first on the left with falling guts it is equal to one made with the old way, with green and black.
Now lets use a sponge to do another hand of Rotting Flesh on the minis. Be without care, and only on the "tops" of the miniature. The colour is not watered down! The horn is sponged at the base, and after (step not included) a wet blending on the base with black (top) and Rotting Flesh (bottom). The idea is to put black and Rotting quite distant like two rows, and mix them on the miniature in the small space between the two rows. If you search wet blending you'll find tons of great tutorials.
Now more lights adding white to the Rotting Flesh.
And more white, this time with brush, but on few spots.
Now some Umber Wash on the shades, and, when dried, Black Wash in deepest places.

Teeth: Bestial Brown for base, then Bleached Bones when the bestial is wet, to do a kind of ignorant wet blending, and than more Bleached Bones. These are old colours of course, you can find the equivalent easily.
Bubbles: some Scab red, and when the red is wet, Bleached Bone. Do not be too much precise, the shape of the bubble is going to help you.
Blood: some Blood For The Blood God with black, reaching the shade you desire. When the colour is still wet, I added with a sharpened toothpick some Vallejo Vomit.
I splashed some watered down black on the miniature to add dirt and details. Try different levels of watered black to achieve different kind of spots. The technique is the same used on the tutorial of gore you can find here. You can use also other colours.
Eye(s): I wanted a rigor mortis effect eye with eye cataract, so Bleached Bone, Lothern Blue, and lastly a small dot of pure white (like Ceramite White).
Black on the sword and gloss on the sword and horn.
Base: I used some Ammo Mig enamel Wash put randomly together: the fact of the white primer and the Rotting Flesh is going to help to create lights. In this case I used Earth and Engine Grime, then black on the border and glossy paint not watered down (I like the finish). The bases is done with natural washed sand and cork.

Now add some gore/saliva with the tutorial mentioned above.

Somewhere I used some Dark Angel Green to add some slime/mold.

Here some results, hope you like it!

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