venerdì 24 marzo 2017

XLV - Showcase The Glottkin, Monster March: IV week

"All around, only silence. Also the big flies, generally noisy and enterprising, were silent. Somewhere hoarse laments cut the silence like rusty knives on a bone.
In that moment, he smiles, when he knows that they are sharing the magnificent gifts of their generous Father. Which God gives you his favourite things without you have to ask them?"

Hi all!
Well the Glottkin are finished, and I am very happy: the model is big, very big, with tons of details, and a lot of character, and try to make it disgusting, sick but menacing has been a nice challenge.
Before to continue, I have to thanks SwordMaster of Path of an Outcast, the manager of this amazing event: thanks a lot, seing so much monsters together is very cool, the only thing is missing is a pic with all of them together (but clearly it is impossible lol).

I was playing with phone filters, and I have thought that this one where quite nice! Look the pink fire!  Quite fun that the opposite of the painting scheme I used is near to the opposite chaos god to Nurgle.Well,  after that, the real pics.

As already said the model was ready before the publishing of the pics, because due extra-hobby issues I could not managed to do it synchronized to the event, but I really wanted to partecipate, so the gentle SwordMaster allowed me: however, due respect to this event, I published the pics synchronized.

Now, lets the pics talk!
First, my favourite one: I do not why I love this pic, probably because you can see all the three -official- faces of the three guys, or simply because it seems the bigger is walking.

And now the front pic: I am proud of the flames, they pop up also with a clear background and it is good, because I have severe issue with black backgrounds. The horns work like some arrows that point to the focus points of the model, the small bros ( I merely learned the plague lords names, I decided to avoid to learn those) and the head of the monster. The chain is very rusty! I did not understand its meaning but, after putting it on, it gives a really nice 3d effect. Well done GW. And the mouth on the belly is quite nice!

Left view: here it is quite easy to see the effect of different washes -random washes- on the miniature. Imho with such big models with quite monotonous type of tissues- this model is pretty much naked skin- it gives a bit of variation.

The famous butt with horns! I left the cloth only in red, I did not want to have it too much protagonist and also I thought that I wanted a wasted model, and a too much "cool" cloth could give a too much refined look.

Right view: the arm-mouth! You can see one of my favourite things, blood and saliva!

Here the guys that do not need to walk! The fire pops well imho luckily. I wanted an insane and blasphem fire, so I decided to make it green, in accord also with the greenish feeling of the monster.

Belly mouth!

And the funny arm mouth: if there is not a bit of gore on a my Nurgle miniature I am not happy.

When I've seen the pic of the face of the monster on the GW site I was not happy: logically the painting was amazing, but its eye was too much sad and suffering imho. I know that to be such a creature could be painful, but I do not wanted to give such an human feeling looking my The Glottkin, so I did some gore streaks and tried to give a madder and disgusting look to this guy.

The base is quite simple, with puds with mucus swirls, dead grass and earth.

I wanted to give the idea that the model is a kind of tank that nothing could stop, so I painted the legs with mud.

The chain and the two bros are not glued because as almost all my work, this is going to be sold and glueing it could give some problems  with shipping. On the other hand it could be possible to do such nice pics of the two bros on the big base.

The schyte one is the personification of the rust. I added some verdigris detail to link him to the other bros and the horns to the monster.

The wizard one is painted in black, and it is the personification of the verdigris. I interpreted the guy with naked belly with some patches on it, sewn during a blasphem ritual or simply by madness. The fire is quite good for my standard and I like that this model is different from the other two, also because it is not a simple warrior/monster, he is a wizard. I decided also to use verdigris to simulate old copper: copper is one of the most ancient metal used by humanity, so I wanted to give a old fashioned looking also with this.
There are also some small free hands.

Hey, the base seems a kind of swamp: it reminds me the scene of the LOTR when Frodo, Sam and Gollum walk throught the Dead Marshes.

Well hope you enjoyed this model as I enjoyed the Monster March event. Thanks to SwordMaster to manage this event, and go to look his cool blog, there are a lot of nice things and all the people that painted something for Monster March.

The model is for sale and you can find it here. Unluckily the plague lords are already gone, if you were interested in both.

I have seen that there is another event somewhere... maybe I am ready for a new adventure!